No more stress

Absenteeism, low staff morale and productivity, high stress levels and anxiety, can have a detrimental impact on the workplace.

NICRO Enterprise, a non-profit organisation that offers development programmes for individuals and corporate clients, offers programmes that can meet these challenges and kick-start a positive working environment.

The Organisation utilises a tried and tested professional Staff Development and Training offering. This offering holds significant benefits for productivity, profitability, customer satisfaction and employee well-being.

NICRO Enterprise offers corporate clients a comprehensive range of initiatives, which can be personalised to suit the specific needs of the workforce, as well as operational requirements.

The organisation focuses on the lower LSM staff, as they realise that you do not employ someone just for 40 hours of work, you employ the person and they with their problems too.

They have developed over a 100 programmes targeting all aspects from depression to being more self-aware. Some of the most popular programmes are grounded in complete, modern learning principles and are fully aligned with a modern understanding of workplace challenges:

•             The Safely Home programme teaches companies about the effects of alcohol on the capacity to drive, as well as provides an understanding the legal limits of alcohol consumption. This Programme also educates about legal obligations, rights and responsibilities following a drunk driving arrest and mechanisms on how to get home safely.

•             Ethics in the Workplace is an intervention focussing on workers’ perceptions and attitudes about crime in the workplace and understanding and identifying unethical conduct.

•             Relating in the Workplace is a programme about managing yourself and building healthy workplace relationships, handling anger and stress in the workplace, as well as identifying and unlearning self-defeating behaviour that is counter-productive to team work and values.

•             To help recognise workplace bullying and harassment, individuals can participate in the Diversity in the Workplace / Celebrating Humanity programme. This aids employees to expose stereotypes and prejudice – especially around gender roles in the workplace. It also addresses reporting and investigating incidents and complaints procedures in the workplace.  

•             The Working Parent programme aims to improve the ability to cope with the associated stresses of being a parent and provides education on child and adolescent development, as well as advice regarding positive interactions with your child.

•             The Mental Health programme aims to improve the employee’s mental health, as depression, addiction, conflict resolution and much more is discussed.

The organisations services are supported by trained clinical workers, supporting staff through counselling, trauma debriefing and family therapy. This allows the HR department to focus the freedom of supporting their staff through outsourcing of counselling.

Soraya Solomon, CEO of NICRO, had the following to say about the programmes, “We believe that the development of innovative, responsible human capital is achieved through structured, effective training and support, as well as by seeking viable solutions to societal challenges which impact negatively on the workforce. These programmes have been incorporated to ensure that the various societal challenges are addressed.”

Veronica Mtsishe



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This edition

Issue 58
