Search results for housing

HOUSING GSB course tackles the African housing finance problem
While Africa’s housing backlog can rightly be called a crisis, it is not an unsolvable one - according to Robert McGaffin.
03 Apr 2014
A sense of entitlement Cape Town's poorer citizens receive title deeds
The City of Cape Town is committed to ensuring all its citizens are given the means to reach their potential and become full and productive citizens.
23 Nov 2012 - T. S.
Gate-way to development Students uplift poorer communities
An innovative approach developed by postgraduate Stellenbosch University (SU) students aims to make simple yet significant improvements to the living conditions of residents in informal settlement.
15 Nov 2012 - D. P.
Big plans for South African cities Housing developments are carefully planned
Planning Minister Trevor Manual warns that the African continent would experience unprecedented levels of urbanisation in the next few decades which government and urban planners need to be aware of.
02 Oct 2012 - E. S.
House or home? Cape Town aims to reduce the housing backlog
The Western Cape – once had “A home for all” as its official slogan, and it is a vision also shared by the capital of the province, the City of Cape Town.
31 Aug 2012
Developing communities Skills development aids rural development
Rural development is multidimensional, encompassing improved provision of services, enhanced opportunities for income generation and local economic development.
09 Jul 2012


This edition

Issue 58
