Search results for textbooks
Turning the page on education
Technology has redefined the classroom and the way students learn
Those students who can afford an iPad, will have an added advantage when studying for exams. A new digital book store, ZA Books, was recently launched in Johannesburg.
11 Feb 2013 - A. N.
Education for all
The textbook saga sees improvement ahead of 2013
When school textbooks went missing, this was one of the worst events in South Africa this year with the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, coming under fire for poor performance and mismanagement.
09 Nov 2012 - S. C.
Addressing the textbook issue
How lack of service delivery is hurting learners
A publisher has offered to donate textbooks worth more than R5.5 million to Limpopo schools - on condition they are actually delivered.
07 Sep 2012